oh moon, i have died!

i am no longer part of the living... my sadness to the moon...


  • i'm kieran

  • 25

  • they/them

  • my brain and body both work quite poorly

  • ames beaulieu on excalibur/primal


video games

  • Final fantasy xiv

  • fromsoft

  • Asscreed

  • dragon age

  • kotor

  • borderlands

  • metal gear solid


  • castlevania

  • owari no seraph

  • she-ra


  • marvel

  • lotr

  • star wars


this list is not comprehensive, just things i might talk about or rt/post art of with some regularity

final fantasy

  • fraywol (XIV)

  • wolyotsuyu (XIV)

  • wolysayle (XIV)

  • estimeric (XIV)

  • gaiaryne (xiv)

  • ignoct (XV)

  • aerti (vii)

elden ring

  • fia/tarnished/rogier

  • blaidd/tarnished

  • millicent/tarnished

  • malenia/finlay

  • marika/rennala (any config)


  • atton rand/exile (KOTOR)

  • sheik/link (LOZ)

  • midna/link (loz)

  • midna/zelda (loz)

  • zelda/impa (loz)

  • warden/morrigan (dao)

  • warden/alistair (dao)

  • fenhawke (da2)

  • obikin (star wars)

  • kassandra/aspasia (ac: odyssey)

  • f!eivor/randvi (ac: valhalla)

  • deadpool/spider-man (marvel)

find me


  • i sometimes post/like/rt 18+ content. please do not follow me if you are under 18 (pref 20+ only)

  • please don't take it personally if i don't follow you back — i only look at people's twitters if they reply to my tweets often or i am looking at my notification page right as/a little after they follow me

  • soft/hardblock if youre breaking a mutual please

  • i do not want to engage in anti/proship discourse. it's stupid and i don't care.

  • i do my best not to participate in bi/pan/mspec lesbian discourse but i will be very clear in stating that i think they are ridiculous and wildly disrespectful 'identities' and i do think less of people for identifying as such. there is literally nothing wrong with being bi/pan and you need to shut the fuck up

  • basic dni criteria, trans women are women, acab, i will not tolerate whorephobia or anti-addict rhetoric